April 14: Spring Cleanup – Update #1

Got up to the shop Sunday afternoon to do some cleanup both inside, and around the base area. It was time to get the trailhead signs removed to let people know that the grooming is done for the year, and get the grooming implements moved to the other side before the snow melts. There were also a lot of dog poop bags to gather for disposal (yuck!).

Remember, we’ll plan on a big group “work party” on April 27-28. It’ll mostly focus on fencing removal, loading, and hauling to the storage shed for the summer. Bring snips or needle-nose pliers and a plastic bag for disposing of the ties.

Gotta get the stuff moved over the shop side of the base area. It was still pretty frozen in!
It took a bit to get the Kubota out of the frozen hole it was in.
Every year…
There’s always a bunch of these dog poop bags to gather and dispose of. Yuck. This is only one of three piles!