There are some choice words about all of that wind and the mess it made, which had to be cleaned up by a hardy grooming armada of 3 old guys. It was not the most most fun 5.5 hrs, but hopefully we’ve salvaged the trails and still good snow for some more late season skiing.
So far, we’ve only managed to clear trees and some really messy tree-top and branch explosions that caused a lot of messy debris fields. Things aren’t groomed yet, but we did manage to get stuff kind of bladed and packed out from all the traffic to get to the tree-clearing messes.
We got probably 99% of the debris cleaned up, but there’s still a lot of sticks, pine bows, cones, and bark embedded in the snow, so be careful. There was somehow even a tree that fell across the trail out in the meadow and got encapsulated in a drift. Talk about adding insult to injury 😒
Not sure when it’ll be groomed, so stay tuned. We’re working with a skeleton crew of old-guy volunteers, whose backs will need to recover from last night and tonight’s cleanup…