Grooming Report for 2024/01/14

Classic Track: partially

I completed two laps and set classic track on the lower and some sections in the woods. I didn’t set track past point L as the wind was blowing hard and anything I set would have blown out in 10 min. I also set classic track on Camp May road, both sides.

It should set up nicely tonight and be decent for skiing tomorrow if the wind calms down.


CLASSIC clinic for adults Sat Jan 6th 9:15-11am

We are able to offer another classic clinic this coming Sat Jan 6th! We may have fewer instructors this time, so for now it is limited to 8 participants but we may add a few spots if the number of instructors increases by Friday.

You will be emailed Friday night with your sign up and confirmation of the clinic as the clinic is contingent on weather and availability of our volunteer groomers!

Please see event invite here for more details and to sign up:

