CLASSIC clinic for adults Sat Jan 6th 9:15-11am

We are able to offer another classic clinic this coming Sat Jan 6th! We may have fewer instructors this time, so for now it is limited to 8 participants but we may add a few spots if the number of instructors increases by Friday.

You will be emailed Friday night with your sign up and confirmation of the clinic as the clinic is contingent on weather and availability of our volunteer groomers!

Please see event invite here for more details and to sign up:



Classic Ski Clinic

Saturday, December 30, 9:30 – 11:00

1) Beginner and Intermediate instruction for up to 12 participants with 2 instructors. Please send email to to reserve your spot – first come first served!

2) Skiing style for this clinic is CLASSIC (not skate skiing, see bottom here for rental info). If you are not sure which skis you have or which style is which, please contact us to get clarification to make sure you attend the correct clinic.

3) FREE to current club members.
To join or donate to the club: Support the Southwest Nordic Ski Club!

4) Geared toward adults, but will work for older kids who are up for learning in a group of adults (guessing ages 12 and up might work depending on the kids – contact the page with questions).

GEAR RENTAL INFO: The only rentals in our area are the Santa Fe Cottam’s Ski Shop, they are located at 740 Hyde Park Rd which is about half way from Santa Fe to the Santa Fe Ski area. They do NOT rent XC gear online, they ask that to rent XC skis you go into their shop and since they charge by the day ($29.95) they recommend coming in Friday after 3 pm to get your gear for Sat morning clinic and then bringing it back Sat afternoon after your clinic/skiing if you only plan to rent for 1 day. Their direct number is 505-982-0495. They only rent CLASSIC gear (no skate).

12/26/2023 Grooming & Conditions Report

We’ve had a couple of issues with our grooming machines and low volunteer availability for grooming, so it’s been a little hit and miss with getting on top of things. After a couple of days working on our Viking snowmobile, it was usable enough to get in a good number of laps focused on widening, tilling, and leveling the trails so they’re not so narrow, uneven and side-sloped. The outer meadow was also groomed out, but it was windy, so there will be a lot of windblown drift by tomorrow.

While the trails will be cleaned up from all the holiday traffic, they still need some more work. There’s no classic track and even the skate lane needs more conditioning. Hopefully, we’ll get more passes on them by the weekend.

Sorry for the slow grooming response – we just don’t have much volunteer coverage right now. At least the snow and weather are both good!